技术正在迅速发展。, 技术专业人员需要保持他们的技能是最新的,以帮助他们的组织保持竞争力. Additionally, 许多工程师需要继续教育单元(ceu)和专业发展时间(PDHs)来维持他们的工程许可证. With many engineers seeking training programs that offer these credits, 宝盈彩app下载可以帮助您通过宝盈彩app下载认证计划为您的专业人员提供这些好处.

All applications for the 宝盈彩app下载认证计划 are accepted online. 访问在线应用程序.

External providers will need to follow the Credentialing Program 条款与条件 in order to offer certificates to their customers.

For information about procedures and pricing, please contact eab-ceuadmin@chinahunker.net.



您已经知道,宝盈彩app下载是一个汇集了当今工程领域一些最优秀、最聪明的人才的组织. 宝盈彩app下载证书保证你的教育项目提供一些工程师在他们的领域保持领先所需要的最相关的内容. 宝盈彩app下载将提前审查您的学习活动的内容,以便与会者知道它符合宝盈彩app下载的高标准. 宝盈彩app下载证书是教育质量的保证,也是工程师可以自豪地分享的证书.

宝盈彩app下载 maintains an official registry of all credentials awarded. This makes accounting to state licensing boards an easier task for engineers. It also helps 宝盈彩app下载组织单位 keep track of their participants.


宝盈彩app下载认证项目为您的教育活动增加了价值,并帮助您的项目在竞争中脱颖而出. As an organization or educational content provider, 您可以提供提供ceu的宝盈彩app下载证书, PDHs, and Certificates of Participation at your next learning event or virtual conference. 

有兴趣在非宝盈彩app下载赞助的活动中提供宝盈彩app下载证书的外部组织应填写批准的提供者 application first. If you are approved, you may submit unlimited applications for your events.  

宝盈彩app下载组织单位, Societies, Sections, 和分会也有资格为合格的活动提供宝盈彩app下载证书,不需要申请成为批准的提供者.

The application process is online and easy to use. Pay per credential or select from bulk discount pricing options for larger events. 

Approved External Providers of 宝盈彩app下载 Credentialing Program

Click here for a partial listing of approved 宝盈彩app下载 vendors of the credentialing program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact eab-ceuadmin@chinahunker.net.

For 宝盈彩app下载 Organizational Units, Societies, Sections, and Chapters

宝盈彩app下载组织单位, Societies, Sections, 和分会有资格为合格的活动提供宝盈彩app下载 ceu(继续教育单元)和PDHs(专业发展时间),无需申请成为批准的会员 external provider.

Review instructions on how to have your event approved here. 宝盈彩app下载通过一个认证机构来管理认证项目 名为OpenWater的平台. 我们建议组织者在会议/课程/网络研讨会日期前至少5 - 7个工作日上传活动请求. Once approved, 提交者将收到一封电子邮件通知,以及如何在事件发生后提交事件名单/调查的说明.

Invoices will be sent after the event is held and the certificates are issued. Bulk certificate prices are available for large events.

If you have any other questions about the process, contact eab-ceuadmin@chinahunker.net


教育活动(EA)现在为宝盈彩app下载学习网络(ILN)上的电子学习课程项目和一些合格的虚拟培训活动提供数字徽章! 数字徽章包含嵌入在图像中的元数据,这些元数据反映了所获得的特定技能,可以在线共享.

宝盈彩app下载数字标识 Program for Continuing Professional Education

徽章与成功完成课程项目或一系列活动(虚拟和/或现场)后可以获得的单个知识体系相关联。. 电子徽章只授予通过宝盈彩app下载学习网络(ILN)完成整个课程的个人。.



  • Provides a modular way of showing levels of competency
  • Represents successful completion of a program with verifiable skills
  • Learners are enabled with a self-promotion tool for career growth
  • Provides learners with a way to share credentials across social media
  • Learners can easily display accomplishments as they build essential skills



学习者成功地完成一个 宝盈彩app下载学习网络 (ILN) eligible course program, they can email eab-ceuadmin@ieee.请求电子徽章. 宝盈彩app下载 EA将在ILN中验证学习者的成绩单,并通过Accredible颁发徽章. 这些凭证是可移植的,可以在大多数社交媒体平台上显示, such as LinkedIn. 

个人可以通过可信的证书钱包访问他们的证书成绩单(徽章和证书). 雇主和学习者可以通过认证机构确认证书的有效性,不收取额外费用.

To learn more about digital badges, please email: eab-ceuadmin@chinahunker.net.



宝盈彩app下载提供400多种在线课程,学生和专业人员可以获得PDH(专业发展时间)和CEU(继续教育单位)的数字证书。.  成功完成一门课程后, individuals will be issued a digital certificate bearing the appropriate CEU and PDH.

查看完整的课程列表 宝盈彩app下载学习网络.

Information about the Electronics Packaging Society Certificate Program

为了进一步的教育 电子封装学会 (EPS)的宝盈彩app下载,EPS现在提供一个 证书项目. 该计划的目标是给新宝盈彩app下载电子包装进一步包装教育的机会, to offer continuous education in electronics packaging to existing members, 如果学生在不包括包装教育的大学课程中,则为他们提供电子包装培训. 了解更多宝盈彩app这个证书课程.