
At the request of the Vice-President of the 宝盈彩app下载 Publications and Services Products Board, 知识产权办公室在解决抄袭问题的过程中制定了一个作者教育部分,要求作者参加一个准备好的学习模块,并通过附带的考试,作为对1级或2级不当行为的补救. 作者教育选项的开发是为了解决每年因抄袭而被禁止出版的作者数量不断增加的问题.
The following outline describes the author education option to the resolution process:
  • Upon completion of a resolution review where Level 1 or Level 2 plagiarism is found, 知识产权办公室的工作人员(与出版志愿者和PSPB主席一起)将向作者发送一封信,其中将包括对案件的决定, 还有选修课程的选项.  The letter will include a link and login credentials. The author will be given 90 days to complete the course and pass the exam.
  • The course will include topics such as publishing ethics, 引用任何重复使用材料的正确方法, 作品的文本引用, 重复使用材料的描述.
  • 课程结束后, the author will be required to complete a brief online exam on the material from the course. Authors must pass the exam with a grade of 70 or better to avoid being placed on the PAL.
  • IPR Office staff will add the author’s name to a Watch List for the full term of the author ban.
  • Upon passing the exam, the IPR Office staff will inform the author of the revised corrective actions.
  • IPR Office staff will note the completion of the course in the case file for future reference. Repeat offenders will not be given the option to take the course, and will have their manuscripts rejected immediately and their names will then be placed on the PAL.



禁止作者名单(PAL)是保证宝盈彩app下载出版物高质量的重要工具. PAL包含了被发现违反宝盈彩app下载出版行为准则的作者的名字(通常是因为严重的剽窃),因此被禁止向宝盈彩app下载的期刊和会议提交新的手稿.  
Policy language has been added to the PSPB操作手册 to codify the expanded use of the PAL, 并鼓励来自其他组织单位的志愿者在审查宝盈彩app下载领导或决策职位的个人提名或任命时使用PAL. These include EICs, associate editors, conference organizers, 学会会议副总裁, and Society Pubs VPs. 该政策在题为 "Appropriate Use of the Prohibited Author List" (PDF, 1 MB).
Volunteers who are interested in using the PAL are encouraged to send an email request to copyrights@chinahunker.net with:
  1. 简要描述他/她在宝盈彩app下载中的角色
  2. 如何使用PAL
Requests will be presented to the 宝盈彩app下载 Vice President, 宝盈彩app下载出版服务和产品审批.
PAL Database
Since 2006, 知识产权工作人员每月向所有PAL接收者分发一份电子表格,最近还为宝盈彩app下载志愿者管理PAL数据库,以便将他们的作者名单与禁止的作者元数据数据库进行比较. PAL数据库包含一个自动工具,可以将作者姓名和电子邮件地址的电子表格与禁止作者的数据库进行比较,并将结果显示在屏幕上(或以可下载文件的形式)。. 该数据库还允许志愿者输入个人作者的姓名或电子邮件地址,以便与PAL元数据进行快速比较, 或者按字母顺序浏览名称.
PAL数据库可在 CrossCheck门户网站.  通过门户网站注册后, 志愿者可以用他们的宝盈彩app下载网络帐户登录,立即开始使用PAL数据库. The PAL Database is always up to date with the most recent status of all prohibited authors. 如果志愿者找到了与之匹配的名字,我们仍建议他们与知识产权局联系,以便在采取任何行动之前确认作者的身份.

Documents and forms

Getting Started

核对表及时间表 (DOC, 33.5 KB): A list of necessary steps to be taken in any plagiarism case, 以及每个步骤的推荐时间表.  

抄袭审查流程流程图 (PDF, 66 KB): A schematic representation of the process used to adjudicate plagiarism complaints.

PSPB操作手册 (PDF, (1mb): 宝盈彩app下载的出版政策,由出版服务和产品委员会制定,并经宝盈彩app下载董事会批准. Section 8.2.第4条涉及处理不当行为指控的过程,包括抄袭指南.

剽窃水平描述 (PDF, 32 KB):摘自PSPB操作手册,描述了五个剽窃级别和每个级别相应的纠正措施.  


Case Summary Form (DOC, 42 KB):此表格用于报告需要PSPB副总裁批准的1级或2级案件的所有必要细节.

Notices of Violation of Publication Principles: A Notice must be posted on all offending papers in Xplore 1至4级的抄袭个案. 5级抄袭可选择张贴通知.

Letter templates

这些信件模板可以作为需要发送给涉及抄袭投诉的各方的官方信件的基础. All templates are available as Microsoft Word doc files. 如果需要其他格式,请联系 宝盈彩app下载 IPR Office.


通知投诉者 (DOC, (23 KB):在案件开始时发出,通知被告提交人有关投诉,并让他们有机会作出回应. The authors' response will need to be included as part of the ad hoc committee's review.

通知多次提交/发表的作者 (DOC, 22 KB): Sent to authors if they have submitted a manuscript to more than one publication. 这封信告知作者宝盈彩app下载宝盈彩app多次提交和发表的政策,并可以作为第8节中描述的纠正措施的一部分.2.4.PSPB操作手册F.

驳回案件通知被告作者 (DOC, 21.5 KB): Sent to accused authors if a case is found to have no merit.

驳回案件告知投诉人 (DOC 21.5 KB): Sent to complainants if a case is found to have no merit.

Final Decision


Additional Letters

通知第三方出版商的最终决定 (DOC, 22.5 KB):发送给外部(非宝盈彩app下载)出版商,投诉涉及在其出版物中出现的剽窃宝盈彩app下载材料. 

Appeal Decision (DOC, 21.5 KB): Sent to notify an author of an appeal decision.

因被禁作者而拒绝论文 (DOC, 22 KB):发送给一组作者,告知他们的论文被拒绝,因为其中一位作者被列入禁止作者名单.
